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May 17, 2021
Categories News
Summer brings along many sugary treats, which can be bad for your children's teeth. It is common knowledge that too much sugar is not suitable for your teeth and overall health because it feeds the bad bacteria in your mouth, which can cause cavities. However, it's not enough to know the bad. You should also find the best summer foods for your child's teeth. In this article, we'll take a look at s
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April 8, 2021
Categories News
Up to 36% of adults in the U.S. get nervous when they visit the dentist's office, and kids are no different. But it's important to remember that good oral hygiene and regular visits to the family dentistry office help to keep cavities and gum disease away.
Of course, knowing your child needs to visit the dentist and keeping your child calm during their appointment are two different things. How
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February 26, 2021
Categories News
Baby teeth start to come in between the ages of six and 12 months. By the age of three, most kids typically have all of their baby teeth. Your child's baby teeth play a major role not only in helping your kids munch and crunch on healthy foods but also in helping them develop healthy smiles as adults.
While baby teeth may not seem very important because they eventually fall out to make room for
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