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Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Make Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

When was the last time you took your kids for their first dental exams or had them take care of their first tooth brushing themselves? If you're lucky enough that your children haven't started teething, you don't need to worry too much about their teeth and gums until they have problems. But the good news is that they will need regular checkups and dental visits once they get those first baby teet Learn More

3 Habits to Ensure Proper Oral Health for Your Child

dentists As a child, losing teeth is an exciting reality. Although it is natural for children to lose baby teeth to make room for their permanent, adult teeth, oral health care is important from the start. Instilling good oral care habits in children while they’re young is the best way to set them up for success. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 20% of chil Learn More

Top Toys for Your Teething Baby

Teething Toys Loudoun County VA Teething can be a frustrating time for both infants and caregivers. It can be extremely uncomfortable for the infant and difficult for caregivers to see their baby in pain. Teething is an important milestone in an infant’s development and there is no way to completely prevent discomfort. However, teething toys may provide some relief and soothe the child. Why Use Teething Toys When a teethin Learn More