Four Surprising Ways to Help Prevent Cavities

Cavities happen.

The key to making sure they don’t, you’re well aware, is ensuring that your kids learn and maintain good oral health; this includes regular brushing and flossing, and two visits a year to the pediatric dentist for checkups and cleanings, yes. But there are a few additional things you can do, some of which might surprise you.

To help fight cavities, encourage your children to:

Eat more cheese.

Casein, a protein found in cheese, contains a protective property that promotes healthy teeth and helps prevent cavities. Studies have shown that calcium levels in the mouth increase tremendously after eating cheese. Teeth are made of calcium, and so it only makes sense that an uptick in the amount of calcium in the mouth will help keep the littlest chompers strong and healthy.

Chew gum and even candy.

Wait. Let’s stop for a second. As your child’s Dulles pediatric dentist, it’s our responsibility to add to this a caveat: Not all gum and candy is good for teeth, but some can be. The compound present in sugar free gum is an effective cavity fighter, as can be candy if it’s sugar free and sweetened with xylitol.

Drink from a straw.

It’s an exciting way to making drinking fun, with a straw! The general recommendation is that juice and especially soda be avoided, but a study conducted by Temple University discovered that the damage to healthy teeth can be minimized by the use of a straw. So on Saturday morning when she insists on a glass of OJ with her cereal, present the treat of a beverage with a straw.

Consider dental sealants.

Smilez Pediatric Dental Group Loudoun often recommends the placement of dental sealants to help keep healthy teeth in tip top shape. Made of plastic resin and bonded within the deep grooves on the surface of your child’s teeth, pediatric dental sealants are typically applied to a child’s permanent teeth as a preventive measure designed to prevent tooth decay, and will last three to five years.

Interested in learning more about preventing cavities?

Contact your Dulles pediatric dentist today.
