Keep Your Kids’ Teeth Strong With These 3 Tips

pediatricRaising kids is simultaneously amazing, stressful, rewarding, and horrifying. Because it’s your responsibility to make sure your children are growing up healthy, happy, and protected, you have to work hard early on to teach them the importance of actually taking care of themselves.

Dental health, for example, is one of the most important aspects of childhood but can be extremely difficult to promote because children just don’t want to hear it. Here are a few tips that you can follow to try and prevent serious dental issues and keep your kids’ teeth strong.

Beware of The Liquids They’re Drinking
Don’t just think you can buy bottled water and expect your kids to be fine. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Pediatric Dentistry found that more than 65% of parents were unaware of how much fluoride were contained in water bottles. That’s why it’s important to only buy healthy drinks that won’t harm your kids or severely damage your teeth. Try to refrain from buying sports drinks, pop, and other unhealthy drinks that can ruin your child’s teeth.

Watch Out for All That Candy
Believe it or not … kids like candy. A single piece now and then is okay, but if you let your child eat as much candy as they want to eat, not only will they damage their health but their teeth will be ruined as a result. It’s important not to punish your kids for eating candy, however, because they may revolt and try and eat as much candy as possible. You should just purchase healthy and fun snacks and keep those food items in your home at all times so the sweet tooth won’t take over.

Do Something Fun After the Dentist
Some pediatric dentists do a great job at making young children feel comfortable before, during, and after an appointment, but you should still reward your kid for successfully completing a trip to the dentist. Going to see a new movie, letting your kid pick out a toy, or going to a fun restaurant are great things you and your child can do after a visit to the dentist. Doing something fun afterward will help kids get through each appointment as well.

Make sure your kids aren’t eating and drinking junk that will damage their teeth down the road. If you want to make a dental appointment for your child, contact Smilez Pediatric Dental Group today!
